Welcome to the
Where compassionate, creative kids come to explore spirituality.
Our Mission
Our congregation desires to equip your child with foundational principles to become compassionate, integral, empathetic, community-minded and bridge-building humans. We not only want children to experience spirituality on Sunday morning but all throughout their week with their families and friends.
We always encourage children to seek their own creative expression, identity formation, and the development of moral values. We do not tell your kids what to think but create a space for them to consider their world, their place in it and what they can offer.
As we continue to rebuild after the pandemic, we are presently not offering in person children’s programs, but here are some excellent resources for families. We welcome children of all ages at our services.
If you are interested in having in person religious education programs, please let our minister Rev. Brian know (brikie@aol.com). We are eager to get started again when we have some interested families.
Unitarian Universalist Seven Principles for Kids
1st Principle: We believe that each and every person is important.
2nd Principle: We believe that all people should be treated fairly and kindly.
3rd Principle: We believe that we should accept one another and keep on learning together.
4th Principle: We believe that each person must be free to search for what is true and right in life.
5th Principle: We believe that all persons should have a vote about the things that concern them.
6th Principle: We believe in working for a peaceful, fair, and free world.
7th Principle: We believe in caring for our planet Earth, the home we share with all living things.
Links to Theme Based Resources
Resilience can be a complicated and layered word for anybody, no matter their age. Hopefully, these hands-on tools and practices help your child learn and live out resilience in their hearts every day.
Water is interconnected just as we are with our community and friends from afar. Water is versatile, playful and can take many forms- just like we can. We use water as a living metaphor to represent a cleansing for the year ahead, and as a way to encounter the natural world. These resources focus on water play, cooling meditations, an examination of Indigenous people’s right to clean water, and the healing our soul undergoes in the presence of any body of water.
In keeping with our September intention, renewal, let us commit to dismantling racism in ourselves and our community. As Unitarians, we commit every day to listen, use our voice, and make sure that those around us are being treated with kindness. Included are diverse stories, informative videos, app games, calming meditations for difficult conversations and thought-provoking activities.
Deep Listening
“With deep listening’s power in mind, this month we will hone our skills at using intuition, listening to hunches, feelings, and our guts. We will explore ways that people use their faces, bodies, and tones to say more (and sometimes different) than their words. We’ll listen for assumptions about others that are vestiges of our cultural conditioning no, longer serving us or the greater good. And we will practice listening for the numinous, the profoundly spiritual presence that some people say is the divine.”
-Teresa from Soul Matters Team
Healing starts with the small steps we take every single day to repair something in our lives or in the world. These beings and connections have often been mistreated and broken in some way. This could be a friendship, connection with the world around us, or the way we embrace everybody’s unique individual expressions.
Healing requires us to listen to others and ask these questions.
What do they need?
What is hurting them?
What can we do?